Saturday, August 22, 2015

Shedding Clothes and simple side-effects...

This summer has been a time of intense study and writing, extremes in weather and temperatures, and a deep need to shed clothing whenever possible. Being nude returns my equilibrium and balances my spirit as well as my body.

Now that the stress of thesis writing is done (it is now with my committee and I will defend it before next month) and I am shed of that particular stress, I have taken a look around and have started the long process of also getting rid of things which have accumulated to the point of a housekeeping disaster.

Today I began getting rid of old clothing, trashing some and setting others aside for donation, all with the goal of paring down to a solid (and possibly minimal) wardrobe of simple, classic clothes which will work for casual as well as professional situations. With my increased hours of home nudity, I do not have a need for a hundred old tee shirts, clothes that no longer fit, or fashions so far out of style they should be coming back any year now. My current work requires a uniform which is provided, so as long as I have a week's worth of those, I don't need to keep the excess.

It was rather freeing to toss the first couple of bags of stuff in the trash this evening and realize that I have several empty drawers and lots of empty hangers. There is still much to do but today's progress was freeing in a way. By letting go of "things" such as excess clothing not just my body has a chance to breathe but so does my soul.

I am getting rid of some of the anchors to a past I'd rather forget and making room for a new, streamlined version of myself.

Its about time.

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