Saturday, November 14, 2015

An old post which still carries weight...

I have difficulty understanding what makes people fear or revile the naked human body, or the general need to connect nakedness only with the sexual act. Why must we hide what should be as natural as breathing? Our bodies need to be exposed regularly to the sun to replenish stores of vitamins, to help synthesize and utilize nutrients and hormones necessary to sustain a comfortable and healthy physical self. The unwritten social laws, backed by the legal system, prevent me from obtaining maximum health by forcing me to cover myself with socially-acceptable layers which impede my ability to absorb the sunlight through every inch of my skin. I risk jail and monetary fines if I choose to expose myself to the air and sunlight where others might see my naked body. 
I see one historical cause for the free-for-all attacks on body freedom…that of organized religion. This deserves research and further pondering before writing anything factual. It remains to be seen how long it will take to get to this project. 

I am realizing the effect that wearing society’s required clothing has on my health and well-being, both physically and mentally, which manifest themselves in skin inflammations and eruptions as well as in bouts of depression and reactions out of proportion with/to daily occurrences. How much is from battering against the walls of social stigmas and how much is mired in less-than-perfect self-/body-acceptance? Some may be rooted in the subtle ageism against growing older, especially as I approach turning sixty years old and reveal in my nudity a body marked well by the passage of time. I am a child of the “God/dess” only now seeing myself as socially acceptable with or without clothes, instead of through the lens of a restrictive upbringing under organized religion which deemed this body as shameful and to always be hidden. 

What has been bothering me on a different front is the law concerning nudity which infringes on my rights within my home. Recently, a young man in New York State was charged with public lewdness for standing naked in his kitchen where someone walking by on the sidewalk apparently saw his nude body and was offended by it. This young man was forced to pay an enormous fine and now has a record for something he did within the privacy of his own home. That the offended party had to step onto his property for a better look was discounted in the proceeding, as the “crime” involved a naked human body. 
My current home faces a very busy city street, and has a large picture window in the living room. I have placed mini-blinds on the side windows, which open, and keep the drapes closed over the picture window, both of which obscure the sunlight and keep me from seeing outside. However, if I wish to enjoy nudity inside my home I am forced to live in a cave-like atmosphere to satisfy the narrow-minded world’s prudishness and avoid annoying some “peeping-tom”. Where are my rights considered in this? Am I to be forced from my centrally-located home to some backwoods path to be able to enjoy my lifestyle within my own four walls? 
Such a move would suit my temperament admirably, however it would remove me from the conveniences of city living, ultimately making it impossible to exist comfortably and affordably. All because some people can’t (or won’t) keep their eyes to themselves, and respect others’ rights to self-expression. Someday, sooner than later, I hope to move myself to a better location, more conducive to having a clothes-free home where I can open the windows on every side and let the breezes blow through and the sun shine in whenever I’d like. I have no problem closing the blinds after dark, when the lamps of the evening illuminate the inside of my home to prying eyes, after all it is only polite as I do not match the modern standards of beauty or age-appropriateness of being naked in public view. I simply want my right to live as I choose, meaning clothes-free whenever humanly possible, without social interference. Apparently, it is still, under current law, too much to ask.

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Possibilities and Dreams

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

This photograph came across my Facebook page and it intrigued me with the “what-if?” possibilities of such an offer. At first, I had questions like “Can I choose what season of the year to be there?” and the more practical, “Does it have indoor plumbing, heat and electric lights?” However, what struck me the most was what a wonderful location to experience the world totally naked, yet not in so primitive a fashion that it would be dangerous. To enjoy the world as we should always do so, with our bare toes connected to the heartbeat of Mother Earth, to absorb the heat and life of Father Sun with our naked bodies, and to sing to Grandmother Moon with our entire being unmuffled by smothering clothes. To bask in the warmth of a fire while I simultaneously relaxed naked in the cool evening air, listening to the birds chirp their good nights to the Sky, before curling up to rest under the light of the moon. I wondered if my voice would be rusty from disuse or whether I would find myself singing mindless tunes to entertain the birds and creatures of the forest. I could see myself creating beautiful paintings and drawings, writing poems to recite to the Gods of the Air, and bathing in the soft rain under the sky.

My answer to the question posed by the photograph had only a few caveats…I wanted to have plenty of groceries, a huge stack of books to read and artist supplies so that I might record the beauties of the nature around me…and an equally naked companion to share the Garden with.

Such is the stuff of dreams these days.

Saturday, August 22, 2015

Shedding Clothes and simple side-effects...

This summer has been a time of intense study and writing, extremes in weather and temperatures, and a deep need to shed clothing whenever possible. Being nude returns my equilibrium and balances my spirit as well as my body.

Now that the stress of thesis writing is done (it is now with my committee and I will defend it before next month) and I am shed of that particular stress, I have taken a look around and have started the long process of also getting rid of things which have accumulated to the point of a housekeeping disaster.

Today I began getting rid of old clothing, trashing some and setting others aside for donation, all with the goal of paring down to a solid (and possibly minimal) wardrobe of simple, classic clothes which will work for casual as well as professional situations. With my increased hours of home nudity, I do not have a need for a hundred old tee shirts, clothes that no longer fit, or fashions so far out of style they should be coming back any year now. My current work requires a uniform which is provided, so as long as I have a week's worth of those, I don't need to keep the excess.

It was rather freeing to toss the first couple of bags of stuff in the trash this evening and realize that I have several empty drawers and lots of empty hangers. There is still much to do but today's progress was freeing in a way. By letting go of "things" such as excess clothing not just my body has a chance to breathe but so does my soul.

I am getting rid of some of the anchors to a past I'd rather forget and making room for a new, streamlined version of myself.

Its about time.

Friday, August 7, 2015

To Rest and Sleep...

Sleeping naked is the best feeling in the world! No pajamas to tangle around and overheat the body, letting even the air of a warm night actually cool the body and allow it the comfort to regenerate itself.

In summer, I not only sleep naked, but I use no covers and leave the windows open wide unless it is actively storming, The cool breezes teases nerve-endings and lets the body enter a wonderful state of relaxation. In the winter, I indulge myself with fleece sheets which are warm and cozy on bare skin.

Sleeping naked lets your mind open to the wonders of dreams without the discomfort of clothing which restricts the mind's flight. Why not try and see where your unconscious self visits and what you encounter there?

Saturday, June 20, 2015

Nudism and Stress Reduction

I want to write today about the physical issues which seem to crop up when one is under both physical and emotional stress. Keep in mind that these are my personal experiences and may very well not be grounded in current scientific study...this is just MY body's reactions.

Many things have accumulated to stress me over the last six months, first was the drive to finish my Masters' Thesis and graduate, followed closely by the transfer to a new job assignment where not only is the work physically harder but one of my co-workers is trying very hard to make me cry and quit because he hates women. The stress of being chronically short of funds has added mental stress which also affects everything else.

Needless to say, the stress has manifested itself in my skin with recurring bouts of hives and rashes, general itching, and severe reactions to everything from perfumes to the cleaning products I work with...all complicated by chronic pain in my joints and migraine headaches. I am only 60 years old, and should not be falling apart this way. However, I realized something a month or so ago. I returned to the habit of being unclothed every possible moment of most every day, and with the return of warm weather I have also gotten back in the habit of sleeping in the nude. Since I have been allowing my skin to breathe easily for 12 to 14 hours per day, I am finding that the skin eruptions are healing much more quickly and I am significantly less itchy. While the chronic pain may have a medical component, like the sciatica which is annoying me every time the weather changes, it seems like the ability to shed the stress along with my clothes is having the pleasant side effect of a healthier body.

I have come to the conclusion that for my body to recover its equilibrium in the wake of stress, extremely sweaty (and dehydrating!) working conditions, and completely relax, I *have* to be naked. The few days this week which I have had to spend most of the day clothed have seen me stressed out and unhappy to the point of being unpleasant to be around. I had to spend half of today dressed for being out in public and was miserable until I was able to come home and strip to bare skin practically as soon as I walked in the door.

I think this cements my belief that nudism is a healthy way to conduct one's life, for both physical and mental balance, and to keep stress levels as low as possible. The added aspect of finally achieving a sense of control over and comfort with my physical self, especially when it is not disguised by clothing has actually lightened my moods and reduced my need to meet other folks' expectations. Nudism made me comfortable with myself for probably the first time in my life.

Sunday, February 15, 2015

Naked in the Deep Freeze

Winter in the northern climes is rarely conducive to nudism, particularly being able to enjoy being naked, gloves, and hats alone don't fend off temperatures of -5 degrees. Consequently, I am acclimating myself by lowering the indoor temperature (which also saves on the NYSEG bill!) and spending as much time as possible wearing nothing but slipper socks and a smile.

I have a sort of goal in mind for accustoming myself to such cool temperatures, as I would like to be able to take a hike (or three!) sans clothing this year. As an older woman, I am smart enough to not go alone nor try the Appalachian Trail, so I hope to have naked hiking companions at some point to indulge in short (3-4 hours round trip)walks in the woods.

I think working on being (or becoming) physically fit is best done naked. There are no clothes to chafe or bind, nothing to keep sweat close to the skin. While the best exercise to me would be swimming naked on a regular basis, few health clubs allow it. Even working out in a commercial gym requires clothing. So I compromise at home where I spend time naked every day riding my stationary bicycle (a very vintage Schwinn Aerdyne) and doing naked yoga to improve my flexibility.

Meanwhile, I will wander naked around the house and pray Spring arrives sooner than later.