Wednesday, May 25, 2022

A Year of Changes 2022

 This year was definitely off-kilter due to the ongoing pandemic. I am still teaching via zoom, but doing so from my campus office...which, of course, forces the Naked Historian to be clothed :P At least by the time the Spring semester closed, we have been able to dispense with masks and are tested every month for COVID at the campus clinic. I have had my initial vaccinations as well as 2 boosters so I have been lucky so far. One of my friends caught it at work and then passed it to her husband while in quarantine, and lucked out with it being like a bad head cold and a mild cough for both of them. She went back to work this week.

I survived my semester which had one regular zoom class of 13 students, and an independent study with one student whose goal is to become a history teacher. My grade books went in last week. My next semester will require a 5 day work week with 3 regular courses ( all either zoom or zoom/classroom combo), 1 of which will be via zoom from a smart classroom linked with advance placement students in 8 area high schools. I am currently writing their course work and schedules.

I also have been taking time out for my own research into historical nudism, this time following the medical/health aspects of spending time in the nude as studied in Europe before World War 2, and how the Freikorpur Kultur (FKK) nudist groups of Germany fared during the Great Depression and while under Nazi control. It is lovely having so much research able to be done online or via inter-library loan as it only seems right to research nudism while living as much of my life as possible naked.

This summer will allow me to spend time naked with friends and take a few days off to go nude sailing on the Great Lakes. Being part of an all nude crew is just the best time on the water. It also allows me to talk with like-minded people about our lifestyle and the changes wrought by politics and pandemics. As many of us are also academics, it helps to have a safe place to vent as well.

My next posting will be more in the vein of my research as it is enlightening to see how society changed its views of nudism over time and how some groups never will. The contrasts are quite interesting.

Until then (hopefully less than 3 months wait this time!) Stay naked, stay happy, and stay healthy!

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