Monday, January 1, 2018

First Day Thoughts

The temperature here is a mere 10 degrees, and the winds and snows have been fierce for over a week...and promises to continue into this brand spanking New Year. This is Day 1, and I have been pondering what I can do to look beyond my own situation and somehow affect the world around me in a positive way.

I know, as an educator, I do that in every course I teach...whether or not the students enjoy history, I can see them begin to see the connections between the mistakes our ancestors made and the same mistakes our leaders are making today. That is a positive, and I find it encouraging.

But...what else can I do? I am not rich enough to dispense aid or make large contributions to those who can do so, nor can I give employment to anyone who might need it. I struggle to keep a roof over my own head at times, which means being unable to help put a roof over someone else's.'s a new year, after today there will be 364 opportunities to make a difference, if I just knew what I could *do*!

I will start with myself. I will attempt in anyway possible to reduce my carbon footprint, to reduce/reuse/recycle as much as I can, and help others where I can. It seems like a drop in the bucket compared to societal need, but its *my* drop, and if enough other folks add their drop to that bucket...we can make changes for the good of the world.

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